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Directing I

Cost: $500
Term: 8 weeks
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Limited to 10 students.

The Directing I class is intended for new and inexperienced stage and/or film directors who seek to learn how to develop story structure and to communicate with actors by working with a seasoned director, Studio associate director John Grabowski. (Note: This is not a film class.)   The class will acquaint students in the detailed work a director does before beginning rehearsals and continues with a step-by-step examination of the rehearsal process. Upon completion of this class, students are offered an opportunity to enroll in Directing II and direct a one-act play with Chelsea Repertory Company at the Studio.  Filmmakers are often drawn to this class because it helps them understand how to analyze dramatic texts and how to better communicate with actors.The Directing I class offers directors the opportunities to:

  1. Gain experience in analyzing a play
  2. Learn to make spatial and conceptual decisions
  3. Work with actors with that conceptual base in mind
  4. Observe the actor's process in Studio acting classes   

Text Analysis:
Concentrates on dramatic form. A series of plays of varying styles is discussed and analyzed. The director is encouraged to see each play as a sequence of events that is dynamic and in-motion. As the director comes to understand the significance of the events which comprise the play, he/she arrives at a conceptual understanding of the play that is rooted in the play's dramatic structure.

Staging and Composition:
Focuses on stage configurations and composition problems. Each director begins work on a scene from a play and begins to translate his/her ideas about the play into potential stage action. Various methods of working with the actor in the rehearsal process are also discussed here.

Directing I is in-person instruction. 

Student testimonials...

"I took John Grabowski's Directing Class and it was fantastic!  John is very thorough in his approach and the homework is designed to give you a real-world experience of formalized directing technique.  This is a great course for the director who wants to understand script analysis and how to approach actors." Kim S, New Rochelle

"John Grabowski is an amazing teacher who ais dedicated, meticulous and provides honest and in-depth critiques of our work." - Carmen Balentine

"John Grabowski is one of the best teachers/coaches in New York and possibly in the business.  He is also a phenomenal director who I've been fortunate enough to work with in several plays." - Ravin Patterson working actor, writer, composer

Upon successful completion of this class students may qualify to advance to the Directing 2 level of the program.
Scheduled Sessions for:

Directing I

Session: Term Instructor Day Hours Begins Fee Status
Fall 2024 8 Wks Grabowski Sun 12:00-4:00 PM Oct 6, 2024 $500 open
Winter 2025 8 Wks Grabowski Sun 12:00-4:00 PM Jan 26, 2025 $500 open
Spring 2025 8 Wks Grabowski Sun 12:00-4:00 PM Apr 13, 2025 $500 open
Summer 2025 8 wks Grabowski Sun 12:00-4:00 PM Jun 29, 2025 $500 open


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