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6-Week Acting Conservatory

Cost: $2800
Term: 6 weeks - 192 hours
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Deadline: Oct 6, 2024. APPLY NOW!  Class size is limited to 16 students. 

6-Week Acting Conservatory (32 hours per week) is an acting-for-film & stage, professional MEISNER TRAINING PROGRAM which focuses on instrument development, and is designed to train actors in the beginning techniques of the Meisner acting technique, improvisation, emotional preparation, scene study, voice/speech, voice-over workshop, singing for actors, contemporary movement, acting for the camera. It is a rigorous, intensive program for students seeking to commit to 6-weeks of the highest level of training offered in New York designed to begin their development into well-grounded, professional artists capable of acting in film, TV and theatre.

The 6-Week Acting Conservatory offers a progressive, 32-hours-per-week curriculum of classes taught Monday through Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm, for six weeks.  The acting classes and training follow the exercise-based method of development devised by legendary acting instructor Sanford Meisner which is now considered an industry standard. The curriculum is designed by studio director, James Price, who was a protege and personal friend to Sanford Meisner for 14 years and who is a career teacher of acting; training successful actors since 1982. The staff of instructors are all first-rate, New York-based, teachers with on-going professional experience in their respective fields.  Our Studio prides itself in providing superior instruction and development for the actor/student through individualized and personal attention and professional support. Chosen as one of "The Best Acting Schools In NYC." by Time Out NY Magazine.

CLICK FOR ADMISSIONS INFORMATION:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fall Conservatory 2021 Speech Class

                           2021 Summer Acting Conservatory.                                                                Movement For Actors class with Brian Henry


[James Price's] approach to acting opened my eyes to a whole new world and it makes me believe I can be the actor I always wanted to be! These six weeks were filled with hard work, dedication, fun, and friendships. Thank you for creating this program."...  - Ruchi W

"It was an absolute honor. This [the Conservatory] has changed my life." - Daniel C

"[The Conservatory].... gave me the opportunity to live in the moment and truly feel alive again through my acting!" - Gianna A

"Thanks for the BEST experience ever!" Kevin E

"These past six weeks have blown breath into my fire for acting." Johnny U

"...I'm grateful for this course. It really changed everything for me. Thanks to [The Acting Studio-New York], I have so many reasons to go on."  - Luca B

"[James Price]... what an honor it's been to meet and learn from you. Your classes woke my passion for acting again, a passion I thought I almost lost..." - Pia T

"Dear James and Acting Studio Family,

                 This letter is long overdue, but I wanted to thank everyone for their warm demeanors and the lessons I learned during my time at The Acting Studio. It not only furthered along my acting but it made me a better (and more functional) human being. I've always been the type to overthink and be in my head, but when I got back to school after my summer with you guys, I noticed I changed. Things didn't seem so "do or die" anymore. I learned to listen to my instincts and let them lead me more. So thank you for that!

                  I especially want to thank James and Anna, for their lessons helped me so much in my most recent film project. I played a sexual assault victim and I was so nervous about being able to do justice to the experience. I did my emotional preparation like Anna taught me, and I performed better than I ever thought I could. I also had the comfort of knowing I could cry in front of people, thanks to James. That classroom Meisner demonstration still boggles my mind. The way your words triggered my emotions by tapping into my relationship with my sister. This led me to choose the correct triggers for me to access my character in this past role. I hope to share the work with you all soon! Fingers crossed it'll do well in festivals. I hope I'll be able to come back again someday! Thank you so much again!

Much love to you all!
P.S. Miss those Saturday mornings with you, Aong and Blacky! "
-  Kayla G (Summer 2021)

"Good afternoon James, I just want to say thank you for everything these last six weeks. I’ve really learned a lot and feel more confident in myself and in my craft than I ever did before. I also want to say thank you for going above and beyond to make sure that I really had a great shot in getting that role I was offered.
After talking with the director and settling a dispute with the producers, I just found out yesterday that I booked the role and I am currently on my way to the first table read 😊

Thanks again for everything
Best regards," 
- Shyloh 11/23/21

"...I've had breakthroughs in each of the classes of varying size. Things I use to this day. The classes prepared me to get into one of, if not, the most prestigious apprenticeship in the country at Actors Theatre of Louisville and it has also served as a foundation for me in preparing and being accepted to the top grad school programs in the country. I will definitely be going back for more!" - NAJIB FELIX (Fall-2016) student testimonial

"I spent the past few days with Debra and Salvo in Hamburg, it felt so good to see them and revive some of the amazing and unforgettable memories we got to create during our time at The Acting studio. It made me want to reach out to you and tell you once again how grateful I am for the past summer, for all the things I've learnt from you, from my classmates and for all the friendships that were formed during those six weeks. All the lessons I learnt and the experiences I got to make during the program at the studio are still helping me a lot not only when it comes to acting (and singing) but also but when it comes to being persistent, dealing with failures and having a better understanding of the industry. Thank you for all this!" - LARA MALIK (Summer2018) student testimonial

"I’d like to say a massive thank you for the 6-week conservatory. I’ve had a few weeks now to look back and reflect and I have to say it was an experience of a life time. The work we managed to cover over the period has given me a completely new perspective on the industry and has also given me a real insight as to where I personally would like to take things. I was able to take so much from each and every class. Each tutor pushed and helped me achieve things I didn’t know I had in me." - OLLIE EATON (Winter2018) student testimonial


DEADLINE: Oct 6, 2024
Scheduled Sessions for:

6-Week Acting Conservatory

Session: Term Instructor Day Hours Begins Fee Status
Fall 2024 6 weeks Faculty Mon thru Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Oct 7, 2024 $2800 open
Winter 2025 6 weeks Faculty Mon thru Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Feb 3, 2025 $2800 open
Summer 2025 6 weeks Faculty Mon thru Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Jun 23, 2025 $2800 open


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