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Script Analysis

Cost: $300
Term: 5 wks - Online Only
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This ONLINE class is ideal for actors, directors and playwrights who seek to understand how to break down a script into it's vital components in order to build a captivating performance; one that tells a story that is affective, believable, emotionally compelling and clear. For actors, how to properly analyze a scene based on the text is the key to understanding the scene and determining what choices to make in order to build a performance. The class teaches the actor how to read the text forward and backward in leaving "no stone unturned" in regard to looking for the hidden meaning and actions underlying each word, and what to do with them. The Script analysis class will focus on discovery of:

  • Pre-scene causal circumstances
  • Entrance dramatization choice
  • Emotional significance of what just happened
  • Physical activity choices
  • Character objective of the scene
  • Shared circumstances
  • Character relationships
  • Obstacle in the scene
  • Over all Super Objective of the Play
  • Interesting interpretative choices
Scheduled Sessions for:

Script Analysis

Session: Term Instructor Day Hours Begins Fee Status
Winter 2025; online only 5 weeks Price Wed 7-9 pm Feb 5, 2025 $300 open
Summer 2025; online only 5 weeks Price Wed 7-9 pm Jul 16, 2025 $300 open


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